
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 8132315098
2.   IR 2454581663
3.   DE 1145769819
4.   LT 711743829
5.   BG 427272594
6.   CN 272471142
7.   US 241517027
8.   NL 215230257
9.   MX 126384537
10.   RU 58078691
11.   VN 50773560
12.   PE 44504564
13.   KR 37953355
14.   GB 36626589
15.   SG 36483809
Most abused passwords
1. 123456 279127569
2. password 170178148
3. P@ssw0rd 123399913
4. 12345 122516060
5. 123456789 97243558
6. 123 94397050
7. 1234 89568108
8. p@ssw0rd 83652025
9. 1qaz2wsx 61566289
10. 1234567890 54231010
11. 12345678 52747127
12. 1qaz@WSX 41926522
13. Password1 38738295
14. 111111 38325719
15. admin@123 33497813